सांगण्यास अत्यंत आनंद होतोय की “कोरोना / कोविड-19 ची Seasonality आणि भारताच्या September-2020 पासून केसेस कमी होण्याचे कारण” या विषयावरचा माझा शोधनिबंध एका आंतरराष्ट्रीय मेडिकल जर्नलमध्ये प्रकाशित झाला आहे.
Very happy and excited to share that my research on “Covid-19 Seasonality and cause of Case Decline from mid-September 2020 in India due to Monsoon” has been published in an International Journal (International Journal of Epidemiology and Health Sciences, Netherlands). This is a Peer Reviewed, Open Access and No Submission/Publication fee journal.
PDF: http://www.ijehs.com/article_244388_aa1adb6e0f0636d309d1eafc71da2f61.pdf
Charu for suggesting to me, back in Nov-2020, to approach Govts and International researchers as my forecasts were coming true
Ajit for sharing various articles, pointers and researchers to follow and contacts/tweeter-handles

Poorva (Co-author), due to whom this document went beyond an ‘engineering’ document and became a research paper.

Harshil for understanding me for not being able to spend time with him on Aeromodelling activities and sharing lots of my tasks/responsibilities at home

Nirmala for supporting and encouraging me over these 10 odd months when I just sat in front of the computer staring at charts, and at times when I used to feel low thinking my efforts to get these findings across to wider audience and policy makers to save some lives

Finally all the friends, followers and well wishers who liked, commented and shared my Facebook posts

Wear Double Masks, Stay Home, Stay Safe