Friday, July 02, 2021

Research Paper on Corona Seasonality in India and causes published

सांगण्यास अत्यंत आनंद होतोय की “कोरोना / कोविड-19 ची Seasonality आणि भारताच्या September-2020 पासून केसेस कमी होण्याचे कारण” या विषयावरचा माझा शोधनिबंध एका आंतरराष्ट्रीय मेडिकल जर्नलमध्ये प्रकाशित झाला आहे.

Very happy and excited to share that my research on “Covid-19 Seasonality and cause of Case Decline from mid-September 2020 in India due to Monsoon” has been published in an International Journal (International Journal of Epidemiology and Health Sciences, Netherlands). This is a Peer Reviewed, Open Access and No Submission/Publication fee journal.
🔗 PDF:
I would like to thank:
💠 Charu for suggesting to me, back in Nov-2020, to approach Govts and International researchers as my forecasts were coming true
💠 Ajit for sharing various articles, pointers and researchers to follow and contacts/tweeter-handles
💠 Dr Priya Deshpande and Dr Kalpana Sanap Sangle for suggesting to write a paper and then answering with patience my numerous questions/doubts
💠 Daughter Poorva (Co-author), due to whom this document went beyond an ‘engineering’ document and became a research paper.
💠 Son Harshil for understanding me for not being able to spend time with him on Aeromodelling activities and sharing lots of my tasks/responsibilities at home
💠 Wife Nirmala for supporting and encouraging me over these 10 odd months when I just sat in front of the computer staring at charts, and at times when I used to feel low thinking my efforts to get these findings across to wider audience and policy makers to save some lives
💠 Finally all the friends, followers and well wishers who liked, commented and shared my Facebook posts 🙏
Dedicated to #Aai and #Pappa
More later.
#MANE_VIRUS_COVID_19 - 169 Paper Published
🙏 Wear Double Masks, Stay Home, Stay Safe 🙏
Virendra Mane, Pune

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Research Paper on Corona Seasonality in India and causes published

सांगण्यास अत्यंत आनंद होतोय की “कोरोना / कोविड-19 ची Seasonality आणि भारताच्या September-2020 पासून केसेस कमी होण्याचे कारण” या विषयावरचा ...