Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Dyslexic's Diary PAGE_5 - Few resources for parents and teachers

Dyslexia is a lifelong companion, hence my diary has potentially unlimited number of pages. Today, I am going to share a series of short clips. I hope these would help teachers and parents understand it better and spot a child early.

  1. Dyslexics Intro
  2. About Dyslexia
  3. Dyslexic Strengths
  4. Dyslexic Challenges
  5. Inclusive Classrooms
  6. Identification
  7. Richard Branson (Virgin Atlantic) shares his thoughts

No two Dyslexic children are going to be alike, not all of them will have same strengths or challenges, each of the child will have a different response and coping mechanism.

So while Dyslexia is a "Gift" and the narrative of many greats being Dyslexic, don't expect "your" child, having this condition, to be doing something great. Expecting itself is NOT a good idea in my opinion for any child.

Let the child do what s/he wants, be around, understand and support. Know that there would be obstacles on the way, help him/her climb those.

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सांगण्यास अत्यंत आनंद होतोय की “कोरोना / कोविड-19 ची Seasonality आणि भारताच्या September-2020 पासून केसेस कमी होण्याचे कारण” या विषयावरचा ...